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Monday, April 21, 2014

Savage Blue (The Vicious Deep #2) by Zoraida Cordova

A storm is coming...
The ocean is a vicious place. Deeper and darker than Tristan could have imagined. Beneath its calm blue surface, an ancient battle is churning —and no one is safe.
In the quest for the Sea Throne, Tristan has already watched one good friend die. Now he must lead the rest on a dangerous voyage in search of the trident that will make him king. But while Tristan chases his destiny, the dark forces racing against him are getting stronger, and the sea witch of his nightmares is getting closer.
Battling sea dragons and savage creatures of the deep, Tristan needs his friends' support. But they each have their secrets, and a betrayal will force Tristan to choose between his crown and his best friend Layla — the only girl he's ever loved.

I loved this book just as much as the first (Although, I’ll probably always favor the first just a little bit.) It has taken me forever to find the right words for this review! (Although, part of the problem is a mind-numbing energy-sucking sinus infection.) This is the time of year were EVERYONE starts looking forward to summer. (well….this side of the hemisphere anyway…) This novel is like summer in writing. Whether it’s sand between your toes, the chew of saltwater taffy, the smell of chlorine, the sting/itch of sunburns or scorching backyard barbeques, EVERYONE can identify with the essence of summer in some way.

Tristan’s summer just happen to be more extreme. Savage Deep takes us through more of his horrors, as he tries to keep his ties to the land, and to prove himself in the sea. Believe it or not, he hasn’t run in to all of the baddies in the sea. Yet.

I feel bad for him! And of course, despite the fact that he’s in the running to rule an entire race, he’s still a teenage boy! A teenage boy that makes a few stupid teenage boy decisions. Let me tell you people, I was left grinning at the end, it had a marvelously unsatisfying ending (I mean that, in the frustrated way only readers understand.) And it had a few twists I didn’t sea coming (Yes, I misspelled that one, for the sole purpose of punny entertainmet.) Oh my gosh, I did it again… I wrote ‘sole’ and that could mean that I was saying it with the definition ‘bottom of foot.’..get it? Because… merpeople ....*coughs*…yeah. And now, I think I’ll go hide in a dark corner and fall in to a feverish sleep. I’ve obviously lost my mind. Bottom line – It was a great installment, in the already fantastic scaled summer-ish series.

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